![]() Masi Gold Winner | Office Design Under $80 Per Square Foot | Jane Lawson of Walker Lawson Interior Design Inc for the Brownlee LLP, IDA President's Message Dear Members of the Interior Designers of Alberta,
March has been an interesting month for the IDA; full of ups and downs. We are full of hope and inspiration as we plan our Urban Encounters events and yet we are disappointed by our ineffectiveness to push forward some of our objectives due to lack of volunteer time. March also sparked lots of conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion as we celebrated Women's History month and discussed gender bias in our industry.
This spring has seen a lot of us coming out of homes and reuniting with friends and family; so very exciting and fulfilling. Social connection is so very important for our wellbeing. Thus, we are hoping to connect with many of you at our in person Urban Encounters events in Calgary on April 28th and in Edmonton on May 3rd. With many great vendors eager to share their latest products, our booths are almost completely sold out! It is shaping up to be a well-attended event.
On the other hand though, as we approach our AGM and are reflecting on the year, we are very aware of the effects of the pandemic on our community. The uncertainty of the pandemic has heightened burn out and our volunteers are stretched to the limit. We have spent the year looking to fill key positions on our council and are facing more vacancies as more members are stepping down. In short, we need your help. We need your support.
March has been a good month for contemplating Women's History, and I have read about many great women in our past, some even in our industry, who have done many amazing things. No doubt, the mountain we want to climb to find relief from gender bias in our industry is daunting, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. If we truly want to see change within our lifetime we need to ban together. I want to leave you with this quote which resonated with me, and I hope it will spark something in you. “The world is moved along not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.” - Helen Keller (a high-profile social justice crusader for suffrage and child welfare who forever changed attitudes about people with disabilities)
Respectfully Yours, Louise Aroche Upcoming IDA Events IDA 2022 Annual General Meeting Connect, advocate, and contribute Wednesday, April 13, 2022 | 11:30 AM EST
Members are encouraged to attend the AGM to learn more about the IDA and connect with colleagues.
![]() URBAN encounters Alberta’s top interior design trade show.
Urban Encounters is back after a much anticipated wait! Don't miss this opportunity to connect with colleagues and see the latest offerings in one location.
YYC | Thursday Apr 28 2022, 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM
IDA Members | Free
![]() CONNECTIONS 2022 FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2022
Meet the NAIT Interior Design Technology Program graduates of 2022, 2021 & 2020. Connect with industry members and connect with graduate students. ![]() Member Matters Welcome New Members Christine Bott | Student
Emily Lang | Student New Licensed Interior Designer We would like to congratulate IDA Registered member Burt Boucock of BBID on being confirmed as a Licensed Interior Designer with the Alberta Association of Architects. Way to go! Online Design Resource i+s is a comprehensive resource with a focus on interiors and sources for commercial interior designers and architects.
![]() MASI Award Winners Congratulations Jane Lawson of Walker Lawson Interior Design Inc on her Gold MASI 2021 design award for the Brownlee LLP project, IDA.
![]() Volunteer Recognition National Volunteer Week is April 17 to April 23 The IDA would like to give a sincere thank you to the volunteers who serve on council or committees. Our members benefit from the work you do. Louise Aroche Kerri Peyton Alan Antioquia Melinda Richardson Cory Riley Michele Rumbold Angélique de Pennart Maddi Podborski Gale LeBlanc Umid Abdullaev Adele Bonetti Susanne Desbrow Lori Paine Carmen Alton Lindsay Zelinski ![]() JOB BOARD Interior Designers of Alberta
600, 900 - 6 AVENUE SW CALGARY, AB T2P 3K2
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